How much do you know about the climate, weather and seasons?
Climate is the average pattern of weather for a particular region, for example London, South West England and East Midlands. It is recorded over a 30 year time period.
Weather is the short-term state of the atmosphere. You could say this afternoon has been warm and sunny!
Atmosphere is a thin layer of mixed gases that makes up the air we breathe, it covers planet Earth.
Seasons exist because the Earth is round so the rays from the sun do not fall evenly on the land and oceans and because the earth spins on its axis we get day and night.
Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness that can be measured using a thermometer. In the UK we measure temperature in Celsius.
In the UK there are four seasons. Depending on which season it is, we can dress differently and do different activities. The weather changes between each season. The seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn.
Do you know which months fall into each season?
Autumn: September, October, November
Winter: December, January, February
Spring: March, April, May
Summer: June, July, August
Can you match up the seasons to the adjectives?
Plants change throughout the year depending on the seasons too. Vegetables like onions and peas grow in the winter season while corn, cucumber and tomatoes are popular vegetables to grow in the summer.